Wednesday, January 10, 2018 – Motivational Quotes for the Day! Good Morning All!
Today is: “Change your Life, first Change your Heart!” Why Not?
“Sometimes God doesn’t change your situation because He’s trying to change your heart.” ― Author Unknown.
“Being stuck serves a spiritual purpose. It’s a bountiful harvest for transformation to occur. It tells us that a change is needed.
More than any type of outward change, what’s really being asked of us is an inner change.
It could be a change of heart, change of priorities, a change of beliefs, or even a change of perspective.” ― Dana Arcuri
“When your heart changes, you change, and you have to make new plans.” ― Katherine Hannigan
“When it comes to seeking a change of heart, our starting place must include our present situation, with the people we live with right here and now. It is with these very people that we must learn to forgo all taking of offense.” ― C. Terry Warner