We at Victory for Veterans thank you for dropping by. Our goal is that you can find hope and answers here. We try to help you stand strong. We are new, and hope you will join us often to get more signs of hope, as we will be posting more often after we go public. Stay strong. * We are now public!
We have a new feature we are excited about! If you look over to the upper right area of this blog you will see a new addition. It is a way to subscribe to this veteran blog. In the short time we have been up we have already added 14 new subscribers. All you have to do is write your email address in the space provided, and you will automatically receive future posts directly to your home inbox.
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It is Monday. It is Memorial Day. It is a day to honor those who have gone on before us to pave a trail towards freedom.
Today we pause to let those who paid the ultimate sacrifice know we honor them for their service and total commitment to their country.
I went to the cemetery where my mother was buried yesterday. I paid tribute to her, and next to her was my step father’s grave. He was WWII veteran. There was the flag that is always placed on the graves of veterans above his head stone.
As I was walking back to my car I saw one flag that had fallen. I went to the grave and saw it was a WWI veteran. I picked up the flag and saw that the ground was very hard there, and whoever was putting the flags down couldn’t get this one in the ground.
I knelt by the headstone and forced the flag stick down into the ground. I paused there for a while and silently thank this soldier for his sacrifice.
This is a Memorial Day I will not forget. That one flag out of the thousands there, and I was able to be there at the right time to honor my fallen brother for being a true hero.
This is what we do here at Victory for Veterans. We are finding ways to reach out and let all veterans know we care and want to do what is best for them, and honor them.
Check out our website and see how you can reach out as well. On this Memorial Day it would fitting to show our veterans you honor them.
What follows is a poem I found this morning while reading my emails. It is a great tribute to our veterans.
It’s the veteran
not the preacher Who has given us the freedom of religion.
It’s the veteran
Not the reporter
Who has given us the freedom of the press.
It’s the veteran
Not the poet
Who has given us the freedom of speech.
It’s the veteran
Not the campus organizer
Who has given us the freedom to assemble.
It’s the veteran
Not the lawyer
Who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It’s the veteran
Not the politician
Who has given us the right to vote.
It’s the veteran who honors the flag
It’s the veteran who serves under the flag No matter where they serve, God Bless Them All!
God Bless America! There is always help for you as a veteran 24/7 at: 1-800-273-8255Remember:You are never alone.You are never forsaken.You are never unloved.And above all…never, ever, give up!
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