Come and join Veteran SGT Steve McFarland for Tuesday night's "Healing Through Faith" addition of Warriors for Life (WFL) Virtual Group Support Community Services brought to you by Victory for Veterans (VFV)
Tuesday's Topic: "The Word Became Flesh — A Bridge to God!"
Why hasn't someone built a bridge across the Grand Canyon? Most people would say that it is technically-impossible, and yet, since time began and mankind began roaming the Earth, mankind has attempted to build a bridge to God. That, my friends, is what "religion" is about. "Religion" is trying to get to God on our own terms, but what if God built the bridge instead?
How could God bridge the great divide between Himself and mankind? Only by taking upon Himself our humanity, becoming "God with us", as was foretold by Isaiah and revealed to Joseph by the angel. Try wrapping your mind around that incredible event...
John 1:14 “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

Dwelt among us...
Throughout the history of the children of Israel, God's "Presence", His Glory, dwelt periodically in the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle or Temple, but it was not a "touchable", physical presence, and only the High Priest could enter that sacred space, only once a year, and only with the blood of a sacrifice.

When Moses asked God "Please, show me your glory" (Exodus 33:18), God hid Moses in a cleft in the rock so that Moses could only see His back.

No man could see God and live (Exodus 33:20). A huge change in
God's "Presence" occurred when the Word became flesh, because God became visible and touchable. It also wasn't just an "appearance", because God, in the person of Jesus Christ, walked this earth for over thirty-three years. The Infinite became touchable and the Almighty became breakable when the Promise of Genesis 3:15 became reality.
