Come and join Veteran SGT Steve McFarland for Tuesday night's "Healing Through Faith" addition of Warriors for Life (WFL) Virtual Group Support Community Services brought to you by Victory for Veterans (VFV).
Tuesday's "Healing Through Faith" Topic: "Cleaning House!"
Passover, the scene of our next event in the life of Christ, was one of the most important festivals on the Jew’s religious calendar. It commemorated when the Jews were released from their bondage in Egypt, and is also known as the “Feast of unleavened-bread“. So, we are going to take another side-trip into the Old Testament to look at this historical-event and why the Jews continued to celebrate it, but before we do, we are going to look at the event that is recorded in John 2:13-25, when Jesus cleaned out the Temple. It is also worth noting that Jesus was three years from the cross at this point in time.