Come join Veteran SGT Steve McFarland for TONIGHT's "Healing Through Faith" addition of Warriors for Life (WFL) Virtual Group Support Community Services brought to you by Victory for Veterans (VFV).

TONIGHT's Topic: "What Is Our Only Hope? - Trying Times"
We live in trying-times, but our problems didn't begin when COVID-19 hit our shores, nor will they end when we learn to control and treat it, because our problems are far deeper than any illness or disease. Our problems go to the root of who we are, broken people, living in a broken world, and if we are truly honest with ourselves, there is far more brokenness in us than we would like to admit, which is why we act like we are "okay" even when we aren't. We have learned to put on a "happy-face" even when we are crying inside because we don't want those around us to know how hurting we are.
Almost two thousand years ago, a family faced a crisis of epoch proportions, and the only person who could help them was nowhere to be found. Mary and Martha were desperate, because Lazarus was getting sicker by the minute, but Jesus was AWOL, and nobody knew where He was, and He didn't even make it back in time for the funeral.
We often ask "Where was God when...?", and you fill in the blank. We can list a thousand-and-one events when God was seemingly-absent, but was He? If we don't really know who Jesus is, we would be tempted to think of God merely as a detached observer, but we couldn't be farther from the truth.
Only God can heal our brokenness and make us whole again, but we have to trust Him to do what we can't do for ourselves. God, in the person of Jesus Christ, became a man so that He could bring us back into a right-relationship with God and with one another. He IS our ONLY hope.
