The “Colonel’s” VFV Motivational/Inspirational Quotes & Message of the Day and Week!
Let’s “Remember Everyone Deployed!” today and every day until they all return home safely once again!

Good “R.E.D. Friday!” Morning “Band of Brothers & Sisters,” and all great connections. Welcome to the end of the week from the “Colonel’s Foxhole” in Conroe, TX — 27 October 2023!
Today’s Message is: “Talent Day!” Why Not?
“Great leaders will help bring out the talent in others. They help them believe, want, and harness their individual talents. If you’re leading, then people need to hear it from you. You have talent!” — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs

Drop in every Friday evening at 6:30 PM ET for “The Front Porch!” a women’s only open forum with Volunteer, Army Veteran, & Author Kim Gwinner.

Warriors for Life (WFL) Online Women's only “The Front Porch!” Presented by Victory for Veterans, Inc. (VFV) – Every Friday every Friday evening starting at 3:30 PM PT, 4:30 PM MT, 5:30 PM CT, and 6:30 PM ET Join Meeting from PC, Mac, and Browser: https://meetings.ringcentral.com/ Copy & Paste into your browser, Enter Meeting ID: 226 952 0107 Hit Join!
Drop in every Monday Morning for "Cup O' Joe" with Volunteer and Army Veteran Derrick Iozzio as part of Warriors for Life (WFL) Online, Presented by Victory for Veterans, Inc. VFV! Check out the times below!

Warriors for Life (WFL) Online "Cup O' Joe" Presented by Victory for Veterans, Inc. (VFV) – Every Monday Morning starting at 6:00 AM PT, 7:00 AM MT, 8:00 AM CT, and 9:00 AM ET Join Meeting Link from PC, Mac, iOS or Android: https://meetings.ringcentral.com/ Enter Meeting ID: 827 355 4957 Hit Join!
The Quote in the Picture Today Reads:
“Everybody has talent. It’s just a matter of moving around until you’ve discovered what it is.” — George Lucas
More Awesome Quotes for Today’s Message:
“Talent is a gift, but character is a choice.” — John C. Maxwell
“Remember that you are talented & that your talent has value.” — Jessica Hische

“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.” — Stephen King
“I believe that every person is born with talent.” — Maya Angelou

“Remember that your greatest talent is so much more powerful than your biggest fear.” — Unknown Author
“Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.” — Lou Holtz

“Every person is born with a talent, and happiness depends on discovering that talent in time...” — Isabel Allende
Be a Survivor, Reach Out, & Join Warriors for Life (WFL) Online: https://www.victoryforveterans.org/warriorsforlife

“The meaning runs deep for those men and women who’ve served this country: 'Honor & Respect Always — Warriors for Life!'" — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs

Check out all of the BLOGS & what’s happening with Victory for Veterans, Inc. (VFV): https://www.victoryforveterans.org/events

Good RED Friday Colonel.
Good morning Col Burroughs and all of my brothers and sisters here on VFV. I think that we all appreciate someone with talent, but have we taken the time to realize that God gave us all talent? What we do with that talent says a lot about who we are as a person. A look a the Parable of Talents will show us a lot about what we should do with our talent(s). Have a blessed day today and always.
Taken from:https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/bible-study/4-top-takeaways-from-the-parable-of-the-talents.html
What Does the Parable of the Talents Mean for Us Today?
Clarence L. Haynes Jr.Contributing Writer
202017 Aug
For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and…
We all have talent. The challenge in many cases is figuring out what it is, then honing it into a skill.