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The “Colonel’s” VFV Motivational/Inspirational Quotes & Message of the Day!

Writer's picture: Col (Ret) Mikel BurroughsCol (Ret) Mikel Burroughs

“Relieve stress and get some emotion healing with music therapy — tune up your mood!” — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs

Music is life. That's why our hearts have beats!
Today's Message is: "Music Day!" Why Not?


The “Colonel’s” VFV Motivational/Inspirational Quotes & Message of the Day!


Good “Saturday!” Morning! “Band of Brothers & Sisters, Connections, Friends, & Patriots.”  Welcome to the weekend & “Rock the Lake!” from the “Colonel’s Foxhole” in Conroe, TX — 5 October 2024!


Today’s Message is:  “Music Day!”   Why Not?


“When things go south or plans fail by the wayside, leaders are ready and willing to ‘face the music!’  They’re always present in the moment, confident of their skills, and constantly overcoming obstacles by anticipating the future.  You may not like the song that is currently playing, but as leader you will always have to face the music!” — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs 

More Awesome Quotes for Today’s Message:


Music and love are the wings of the soul.” — Hector Berlioz


 Music is powerful.  As people listen to it, they can be affected.  They respond.” — Ray Charles

Music, once admitted to the soul, becomes a sort of spirit, and never dies.” — Edward Bulwer-Lytton


“When you’re happy, you enjoy the music.  When you’re sad, you understand the lyrics.” — Unknown Author


 Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” — Berthold Auerbach


Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” — Plato


“Where words fail, music speaks.” — Hans Christian Andersen


Victory for Veterans, Inc. is providing FREE Year-round Peer-to-Peer Support Nationwide for those with Invisible Wounds!


Drop in TONIGHT (LIVE) with Volunteer and Army Veteran Mikel Burroughs for "Burly's Warriors" edition of Warriors for Life (WFL) Online and (LIVE), presented by Victory for Veterans, Inc. (VFV).


Invite a friend, tell a friend, and enjoy this LIVE presentation on 5 October 2025.


(Details to connect on Zoom provide below)


"Rock the Lake!" Concert LIVE with the Colonel!



Warriors for Life (WFL) Online, presented by Victory for Veterans, Inc. (VFV) — Saturday (LIVE TONIGHT), October 5, 2024, at 4:30 PM PT, 5:30 PM MT, 6:30 PM CT, and 7:30 PM ET



Drop in every Monday Morning for “Cup O' Joe" with Volunteer and Army Veteran Derrick Iozzio as part of Warriors for Life (WFL) Online, Presented by Victory for Veterans, Inc. VFV!   Check out the times below and how to connect through Zoom!


Warriors for Life (WFL) Online "Cup O' Joe" Presented by Victory for Veterans, Inc. (VFV) Every Monday Morning starting at 6:00 AM PT, 7:00 AM MT, 8:00 AM CT, and 9:00 AM ET


“The meaning runs deep for those men and women who’ve served this country: 'Honor & Respect Always — Warriors for Life’!”  COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs

3 commentaires

H Gene Lawrence
H Gene Lawrence
05 oct. 2024

Good afternoon Col Burroughs and all of my brothers and sisters here on VFV. Whatever we face, whether it be joy, fear, sadness, anxiety or depression, music has a way of lifting us up and embracing life in a more positive manner. Music is an integral part of the Holy Bible, therefore make it a huge part of your life and make music unto the Lord. Have a blessed day today and always.

Taken from:

What Does the Bible Say About Music and What We Should Listen To?

Sarah E Martin



April 25, 2024

What Does the Bible Say About Music and What We Should Listen To?

“The music of the Gospel leads us home.” - Frederick W.…


05 oct. 2024

Music will take you away from whatever is going on, even if it's just for the duration of a song. I suppose that's why we so enjoyed the post-strike playlist that our B-52 co-pilot created and played over intercom during the Vietnam War. Couldn't play it prestrike, but I'm sure Charlie knew exactly where we came from after the bomb bay was empty.


05 oct. 2024

Good Saturday morning Colonel.

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