“We all have unique gifts that we can use and we can brighten someone’s day – we can start with a smile!” — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs

The “Colonel’s” VFV Motivational/Inspirational Quotes & Message of the Day!
Good “Monday!” Morning “Band of Brothers & Sisters,” and all great connections. Welcome to the new week from the “Colonel’s Foxhole” in Conroe, TX — 15 January 2024!
Today’s Message is: “We Day!” Why Not?
“Building strong teams is about changing the mindset from ‘Me’ to “We’. Leaders inspire people to share their knowledge and develop best practices for everyone. When the leader goes from ‘Me’ to ‘We’ so does the team We is much stronger than just me!" — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs

Come join Volunteer, Reiki Master, & Certified Body and Emotion Code Practitioner Kirk Poe for "Awaken Your Inner Healer!" edition of Warriors for Life (WFL) Online, sponsored and presented by Victory for Veterans, Inc. (VFV) Where all types of Warriors get together for genuine camaraderie, different topics, friendship, and supportive discussions.
Invite a friend, tell a friend, and get connected, get involved, with Veterans, Service Members, First Responders, Military Families/Spouses, and Caregivers every Monday evenings. Meet new friends.
TONIGHT's Topic: "Anger!”

Warriors for Life (WFL) Online, presented by Victory for Veterans, Inc. (VFV) - Monday (TONIGHT), 15 January 2023 at 4:30 PM PT, 5:30 PM MT, 6:30 PM CT, and 7:30 PM ET
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86121340012
Drop in every Friday Morning for “Coffee with Kim” with Volunteer, Army Veteran, & Author Kim Gwinner as part of Warriors for Life (WFL) Online, Presented by Victory for Veterans, Inc. VFV. Check out the times below and how to connect through Zoom!

Warriors for Life (WFL) Online “Coffee with Kim” Presented by Victory for Veterans, Inc. (VFV) – Every Friday Morning starting at 6:00 AM PT, 7:00 AM MT, 8:00 AM CT, and 9:00 AM ET
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82870324338
The Quote in the Picture Today Reads:
“When we have each other, we have everything.” — Unknown Author
More Awesome Quotes for Today’s Message:
“We are what we believe we are.” — C.S. Lewis
“Individually we are one drop. Together we are an ocean.” — Ryunosuke Satoro

“We are all works in progress.” — Unknown Author
“We fall. We break. We fail. But then, We rise, We heal. We overcome.” — Unknown Author

“We cannot become what we need to be, by remaining what we are.” — Max Depree
“We must be our own before we can be another’s.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

“What we think, we become.” — Buddha
Be a Survivor, Reach Out, & Join Warriors for Life (WFL) Online: https://www.victoryforveterans.org/warriorsforlife

“The meaning runs deep for those men and women who’ve served this country: 'Honor & Respect Always — Warriors for Life’!" — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs

Check out all of the BLOGS & what’s happening with Victory for Veterans, Inc. (VFV): https://www.victoryforveterans.org/events

You’re welcome, my pleasure.
There is no Seal Team Me for a reason!
Good Monday morning Colonel.
Good morning Col Burroughs and all of my brothers and sisters here on VFV. There is, and I suspect always has been, too much of the I, me, mentality. We are all in this world and must accept the fact that we would never truly be successful if we only thought the I, me. We are all sinners and need God’s Grace to be truly happy. If we would all recognize this, just imagine how much better our world would be. Have a blessed day today and always.
Taken from:https://www.desiringgod.org/messages/the-renewed-mind-and-how-to-have-it
The Renewed Mind and How to Have It
Resource by
Scripture: Romans 12:1–2 Topic: Wisdom