The “Colonel’s” VFV Motivational/Inspirational Quotes & Message of the Day!
Good “Sunday!” Morning “Band of Brothers & Sisters,” and all great connections. Welcome from the “Colonel’s Foxhole” in Conroe, TX — 22 October 2023!
Today’s Message is: “Chaos Day!” Why Not?
“Chaos is not a very motivating term in leadership, but it’s a fact. Great leaders remain calm in the face of chaos. They learn to embrace the chaos or what we call ‘The Suck!’ by setting standards, empowering others, and by taking chaos head on!” — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs

Drop in TONIGHT with Volunteer, Army Veteran & former First Responder Steve McFarland for "Healing Through Faith!" edition of Warriors for Life (WFL) Online, sponsored and presented by Victory for Veterans, Inc. Where all types of Warriors get together for genuine camaraderie, different topics, friendship, and supportive discussions.
Invite a friend, tell a friend, and get connected, get involved, with Veterans, Service Members, First Responders, Military Families/Spouses, and Caregivers every Sunday Night!
TONIGHT's Topic: "A World in Chaos: Are You Ready?"

Join Meeting Link from PC, Mac, iOS or Android: https://meetings.ringcentral.com/ Enter Meeting ID: 462 390 7474 Hit Join!
Drop in every Monday Morning for "Cup O' Joe" with Volunteer and Army Veteran Derrick Iozzio as part of Warriors for Life (WFL) Online, Presented by Victory for Veterans, Inc. VFV! Check out the times below!

Warriors for Life (WFL) Online "Cup O' Joe" Presented by Victory for Veterans, Inc. (VFV) – Every Monday Morning starting at 6:00 AM PT, 7:00 AM MT, 8:00 AM CT, and 9:00 AM ET Join Meeting Link from PC, Mac, iOS or Android: https://meetings.ringcentral.com/ Enter Meeting ID: 827 355 4957 Hit Join!
The Quote in the Picture Today Reads:
“It’s all about finding the calm in the chaos.” — Donna Karan
More Awesome Quotes for Today’s Message:
“Life is nothing without a little chaos to make it interesting.” — Ameila Atwater-Rhodes
“In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.” — Deepak Chopra

“One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.” — Friedrich Nietzsche
“Today I choose calm over chaos, serenity over stress, peace over perfection, grace over grit, faith over fear.” — Mary Davis

“Out of chaos comes confidence and opportunity.” — Unknown Author
“In the midst of chaos there is also opportunity.” — Sun Tzu

“Sometimes the path to harmony is through chaos.” — Panache Desai
Be a Survivor, Reach Out, & Join Warriors for Life (WFL) Online: https://www.victoryforveterans.org/warriorsforlife

“The meaning runs deep for those men and women who’ve served this country: 'Honor & Respect Always — Warriors for Life!'" — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs

Check out all of the BLOGS & what’s happening with Victory for Veterans, Inc. (VFV): https://www.victoryforveterans.org/events

Good Sunday afternoon Colonel.
Chaos is just part of the learning process. Just because you've always done it a different way doesn't necessarily mean it's chaos.
Good morning Col Burroughs and all of my brothers and sisters here on VFV. The world is being thrown into much conflict and chaos in the Middle East as well as the rest of the earth. We have been forewarned by God of the events we are witness to today. But He also tells us to take heart because He is about to make things right. I can not empathized enough, how very important it is for you and me to ready ourselves to meet Jesus. We do not want to be unprepared. As John Hagee, of John Hagee ministries has said and repeats often, “Pray up, pack up and look up, for the day of the Lord is nigh).…