The Colonel’s Motivational Quotes of the Day!
Good “Saturday” Morning Everyone from the last day of the “Mobile Eagle’s Nest” here in Salina, KS — 15 June 2019!
Happy Anniversary to my wife Bella Burroughs!
Well, today is the last day for SGT Billy Mullins and myself for the RIPRIDE4Vets 2nd Annual Ride. It has been a very cool, but long adventure for both of us over the last 14 days riding across America and meeting a lot of great veterans and their wives in each city we stopped in. Once again, we have to mention the great veterans that continue to contribute to this great cause of abolishing healthcare debt for our veterans and families across this great nation. We called and out Veterans answered the call once again and again. The donation site will be left open until we hit our goals. Day 14 and Billy is trailer his bike back to Richmond Virginia and I’m riding my back to Castle Rock, CO – thanks for following us on the journey everyone!
We’re still working to raise $50,000 to abolish $5Million in Healthcare Debt for our Veterans. “I need your help in raising that $50,000”. Will you continue to help me & my RIPRIDE4VETS team?
Check out our Facebook Page at: for updates each evening, including short videos, & photos!
Please visit our donation page and donate to help us meet our goal:
Thank you for all your support! COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs
Today is: “Bonding Day!” Why Not?
“There will always be a special bonding among veterans across this nation. We might not all agree on politics, policies or religion, but we will always be there for each other when the “fit hits the Shan!” — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs
“Stories are what bind veterans and military members together; it is the heart and soul of what we do.” — Mike Bazinet
“It always feels nice to be associated with a team you share a great bond with.” — Anushka Shetty
“We are each other’s magnitude and bond.” — Gwendolyn Brooks
“You don’t build a bond without being present.” — James Earl Jones
“Accountability is the glue that bonds commitment to results.” — Will Craig
“When we establish human connections within the context of shared experience we create community wherever we go.” — Gina Greenlee
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” — Henry Ford
“None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful.” — Mother Teresa
Check out all the BLOGs at Victory for Veterans:
Follow our “Warriors for Life” group page on RallyPoint: