The Colonel’s Motivational Quotes of the Day!
Good “Wednesday” Morning Everyone — August 29, 2018!
Today is: “Live a Life of Love Day!” Why Not?
“Your on this earth for a very short period of time, so learn to live a life you can be proud of through your significant contributions, love for other human beings, and your actions that help others. — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs
“Love the life you live. Live the life you love.” — Bob Marley
“Every day, it’s important to ask and answer these questions: What’s good in my life and what needs to be done?” — Nathaniel Branden
“A life without cause is a life without effect.” — Barbarella
“Don’t be so selfish to live your entire life for yourself. Help others, heal others. Live for the benefit of others. And contribute your role in making this world a beautiful place for living.” — Unknown Author
“Be in love with your life. Every minute of it.” — Jack Kerouac
“Just be yourself! Do what you love. Love what you do!” Unknown Author
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