The Colonel’s Motivational Quotes of the Day!
Good “Wednesday” Morning ALL from the “Eagle’s Nest” ― October 24, 2018!
Today is: “Rock the Boat Day!” Why Not?
“It takes courage and passion for Leaders to rock the boat to create a positive outcome when needed and to know when to roll with the current situation professionally.” ― COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs
“Rocking the boat does not mean that you’re unhappy to be there. Be brave and let your enthusiasm shine through; it’s positive, contagious and brings connection.” ― Aldi Polin
“I much prefer people who rock the boat to people who jump out.” ― Orson Welles
“We need to stop saying we can’t rock this boat when it needs to be rocked.” ― Sibel Edmonds
“There are always a lot of people so afraid of rocking the boat that they stop rowing. We can never get ahead that way.” ― Harry S. Truman
“Men are afraid to rock the boat in which they hope to drift safely through life’s currents, when, actually, the boat is stuck on a sandbar. They would be better off to rock the boat and try to shake it loose.” ― Thomas Szasz
“I like to rock the boat once in while. Give it a good shake and see who falls out an who has the strength to hang on and keep going with me.” ― Jordan Sarah Weatherhead
Check out all the BLOGs at Victory for Veterans: