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The Colonel’s Motivational Quotes of the Day!


The Colonel’s Motivational Quotes of the Day!

Good “Wednesday” Morning Everyone from the “Eagle’s Nest” back in Castle Rock, CO this morning. — 7 August 2019!

Don’t forget to dial into the Warriors for Life (WFL) Virtual Group Support this evening with [~53270:Cpl Jania Masterson] as she discusses “Your Comfort Zone!” — Check it Out:

Today is: “Normality Day!” Why Not?

“Becoming a leader or transitioning to a leadership position for the first time is not normal or easy. Your immediate days are filled with obstacles and challenges! You are tested constantly , so forget normality!” — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs

“Don’t pass on your passions, to settle in the stale normality. Endure. Strive. Ensure.” — Anthony Liccione

“Life is for living not for being stuck in a rut of complacency where normality consists of the mundane.” — Steven Redhead

“Normality is much less captivating than the extraordinary.” — Erin Forbes

“Almost everyone prefers normality because normality brings comfort and security. But when you think about it, normality hinders the reason why you are on this earth.” — Euginia Herlihy

“The pursuit of normality is the ultimate sacrifice of potential.” — Faith Jegede

“Normality is a fine ideal for those who have no imagination.” — Carl Jung

“Don’t lose yourself in the fog of normality.” — Fennel Hudson

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Reach Out and Join us for Warriors for Life (WFL) Virtual Group Support:

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