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Sunday, April 1, 2018 – Motivational Quotes of the Day!


Sunday, April 1, 2018 – Motivational Quotes of the Day!

Good Morning Everyone! Happy Easter and Happy April Fool’s Day!

Easter, also called Pascha (Greek, Latin) or Resurrection Sunday, is a festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day of his burial after his crucifixion by the Romans at Calvary c. 30 AD

April 1st, on this day in 1700, English pranksters begin popularizing the annual tradition of April Fools’ Day by playing practical jokes on each other. Although the day, also called All Fools’ Day, has been celebrated for several centuries by different cultures, its exact origins remain a mystery.

Today is: “Happy Easter Sunday!” Why Not?

“Today is not the day to play tricks, but a day that we can all have a renewal of hope, health, love, and the spirit of God.” — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs

“Spend every moment in “Hope” and “Love” for God for he has risen and brought us courage.” — Phil Mitchell

“Remember Jesus of Nazareth, staggering on broken feet out of the tomb toward the Resurrection, bearing on his body the proud insignia of the defeat which is victory, the magnificent defeat of the human soul at the hands of God.” — Frederick Buechner

“It would behoove us to remember that the life we live involves the death of something so that it can become the birth of something.” — Craig D. Lounsbrough

“The very first Easter taught us this: that life never ends and love never dies.” — Kate McGahan

“Easter is the miracle of transformation as seen in the change of seasons, in the maturation of mortal persons, and in the resurrection of souls.” — Richelle E. Goodrich

“Christ is not alive now because he rose from the dead two thousand years ago. He rose from the dead two thousand years ago because he is alive right now.” — Christian Wiman

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