Jeff Olson in, The Slight Edge, says, “The formula for success is quite simple: Double your rate of … “
What? are you serious?
Yes, and why is that? Cuz we know when we fail we learn so much… and then success is just around the next bend… or after our next failure!
So, GO FAIL folks! Be bold! Try it! Don’t back down!
I and We are with you as we “try” to serve Veterans and sometimes fail in the pursuit… But we learn and get up again and keep trying!
OUR RIDE… raised enough money to place 48 Veterans in the IT Apprenticeship program… Failure or Success?
Is it a step to something bigger and better? I say YES!
So here are some possible numbers … and maybe a challenge to us all:
Estimated numbers:
American Legion Riders 250,000 riders
Amvets Riders 100,000 riders
Other groups?
Let’s just say all of these riders supported the next Ride for Veterans on 29 June 2019!
That’s 350,000 riders at an average revenue of $40 per rider (registration, food, silent auction, t-shirts, patches, raffle, poker run, etc)…
equals == $ 14,000,000
Yup, you read that right… 14 Million $$’s
We could place the 2,000 veterans in the IT Apprenticeship AND fund 5 wellness clinics providing HBOT treatments that would serve 5,000 Veterans annually!!!
and that would be just the beginning.
Hard to imagine? I don’t think so!
Come imagine with us would you?
Join our national movement to Ride for Vets and the over 200 volunteers making this happen!
Not sure you can trust $14M to VFV? Well, you’re not trusting me, you’re putting your trust in 11 board members, all of whom are either veterans or direct family of a vet.
Don’t trust these 11? Well, not much I can do about that.
Folks… take the challenge… take the plunge… get involved! Help us make this $14M a reality!
Best to you all,
Steve Durgin