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Help Us Help You Stand Strong


We at Victory for Veterans thank you for dropping by. Our goal is that you can find hope and answers here. We try to help you stand strong. We are new, and hope you will join us often to get more signs of hope, as we will be posting more often after we go public. Stay strong. * We are now public!


We have a new feature we are excited about! If you look over to the upper right area of this blog you will see a new addition. It is a way to subscribe to this veteran blog. All you do is write your email address in the space provided, and you will automatically receive future posts directly to your home inbox. No more having to come back time after time to read on. Help us grow fast by signing up today. We would really appreciate it. Tell others about us as well.


Well, I said we would be posting more often when we go public. We went public and starting this next week we will be having a minimum of three posts a week. We may have some for seven days in a row at times, because we are having a good number of veteran friends that would like to be guest bloggers.

Some will talk about depression. There may talk about suicide. Many have wanted to talk about the problems of being deployed away from family. Others are battling PTSD, and are seeking help. We want to reach out to you and show you how to stand strong

Some of our bloggers will be people who have been struggling themselves . Some will be those with mental health degrees, and other important degrees. Others will be leaders of their own non profit that we have teamed with.

I am using this Saturday night post to ask you what you would like to hear about. What subjects would you like covered? This site is here to help you. We will be writing things that will help people in many ways. Just let us know what your most important needs are.

You are an important person. You have great worth. Stand strong and believe in yourself.

Featured link of the week:

There is always help for you 24/7 at: 1-800-273-8255



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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