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Gene’s Daily Scriptural Postings

Writer: H Gene LawrenceH Gene Lawrence

22 March 2025

God is ever vigilant and aways on duty. You can rest knowing that God is watching out for you. As a believer, His blessing of protection is always in force on your behalf.

He’s made thousands of promises to you and every one of them is yes and amen in Christ. You can receive those promises by faith when you renew your mind to come into agreement with what God’s promised to you.

His goodness and mercy follow after you all the days of your life and His blessings overtake you. His plans for you are to give you a hope and a future, an expected good end.

Therefore you no longer have any need to worry about what might happen. Let go of that stress. Enjoy the supernatural peace and rest that comes from knowing God is your shield and your strong tower. He is your refuge in times of trouble and your constant source of peace. Your responsibility is simply to abide in Him and trust Him to do what he promises on your behalf.

The eyes of the LORD are in every place,Keeping watch on the evil and the good. — Proverbs 15:3 (NKJV)


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