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Gene’s Daily Scriptural Postings


01 July 2024

Learning to walk in faith takes time. It takes practice. Our faith gets built up as we learn the ways of the Kingdom and how it operates. Until we make a decision to focus on faith as a lifestyle instead of something we try from time to time when we are desperate, we will continue to be frustrated.


We’ve all been in that place of frustration where what we want to believe for doesn’t seem to be coming to fruition. We memorize scripture, pray, confess, declare, and everything we can think to do. Yet the miracle we are longing for doesn’t manifest.


Walking in faith requires a shift in our thinking. Really it’s a shift of focus and attention. Instead of focusing on our situation, our selves, and what we are doing, we do well to shift our focus on the person of Jesus, what He did, and what God promises on your behalf.


You can make the shift today. Find one of God’s promises in the Bible that relates to your situation. Focus on that promise. Ponder it. Talk with God about it. Trust Him to keep that promise towards you. As you do that more and more, you will build the habit of walking in faith into your life.


For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith. As it is written, “The just shall live by faith.” — Romans 1:17 (MEV)

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