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Friday, February 2, 2018 – Motivational Quotes for the Day & the Week!


Friday, February 2, 2018 – Motivational Quotes for the Day & the Week. Good Morning All!

There are (47) weeks and 333 days left until 2019!

Today is: “The Light Within Day!” Why Not?

“After taking the first major step & you’ve immersed yourself into a meaningful challenge, there is a light that will shine from within & you know you’ve arrived & you know who you are!” — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs

“There is a light within each of us that can never be diminished or extinguished. It can only be obscured by forgetting who we are.” — Deepak Chopra

“Turn your ‘problems’ into ‘challenges’ and you will suddenly see results in a more positive light.” — Marshall Sylver

“If light is in your heart, you find your way home” — Rumi

“Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.” — Brené Brown

“In the midst of fire, I remind myself that it is actually a light that God sent me to enlighten my way to evolve, to grow, & to actualize my true self & become a better human being. This when I understand that life happens for me, not to me, & that it is always for a reason & purpose that serve me.” — Unknown Author

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