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Donations Can Save Lives of Veterans


We at Victory for Veterans thank you for dropping by. Our goal is that you can find hope and answers here. We are now officially a nonprofit according to the IRS. You can now donate and write 100% off your taxes.


We have a new feature we are excited about! If you look over to the upper right area of this blog you will see a new addition. It is a way to subscribe to this veteran blog. All you do is write your email address in the space provided, and you will automatically receive future posts directly to your home inbox. No more having to come back time after time to read on. Help us grow fast by signing up today. We would really appreciate it.


We just got the greatest news ever (until now.)

Today we are officially a nonprofit according to the IRS. They called our CEO and Founder Steve Durgin to let him know!

That was faster than what we expected, but hey! We are peachy keen with their speed. They certainly aren’t like the VA Right? 🙂

So what does this mean? It means that we can now accept your donations, and they are a 100% write-off for your taxes.

Our organization will be helping veterans with PTSD, TBI, anxiety, depression, the homeless, and the many other usual suspects.

We need your help to do this. Go to the home page and click and donate. You can donate whatever you want, or can. We have received some pretty hefty donations even before we were official. People are wanting this Foundation to be successful.

Our goal is to have 100 million people donate $10.00, which will give us one billion dollars!! Yes I said one billion!

There have been many donations already in much higher than the $10.00 I mentioned above, but we will be ecstatic if you just care enough to give anything.

There are far too many veterans out there who are hurting. We have 22 veterans taking their own lives every day. EVERY DAY!!

This is not acceptable. With your support we can erase that figure and give our veterans what they deserve.

Could you also spread the word for us? Let everyone know we are up and running. Have them come to our site and browse around. There are many pages with testimonies, videos, what we are about and stories about other veterans.

If you are a veteran in need, there is a comment section below to reach out to us. We will do everything we can to get you the help you need.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

There is always help for you 24/7 at: 1-800-273-8255

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