We at Victory for Veterans thank you for dropping by. Our goal is that you find hope and answers here. We try to help you stand strong. We hope you will join us often to get more signs of hope. Stay strong!
We have a new feature we are excited about! If you look over to the upper right area of this blog you will see a new addition. It is a way to subscribe to this veteran blog. All you have to do is write your email address in the space provided, and you will automatically receive future posts directly to your inbox.
No more having to come back. We really appreciate it your involvement. Please tell others about us!
We are proud of how our Veterans March on America turned out. We had marches in 16 cities across this great nation. Now we are starting our Victory Tour: Bike 22. That will begin 2 July, and run for over a year.
What it is for is to raise awareness first of our brother and sister veterans and also to raise money to support them in the prevention of suicides and for the battles they face with PTSD, TBI, depression, war wounds, homelessness, etc.
VFV’s travelling office (our RV) is coming to your city within the next year. Please find the attached flyer that will explain, in detail, where and when the RV and BIKE22 Tour is coming. In the RV will be Steve Durgin, the founder of Victory for Veterans Foundation. He will also be biking throughout your city and speaking on behalf of the millions of veterans who may be suffering. There will be a 22 mile route and a 22 km route in each city.
Please join us for this huge event. The link provides a registration page where you can sign up. As part of your registration you will receive an exclusive ‘BIKE for 22’ T-shirt. Additionally, the team you sign up with will also receive a portion of the proceeds from the tour. So, both your local team nonprofit and VFV’s Foundation benefit from your registration.
The registration site is: https://secure.qgiv.com/event/BIKE22/register
Why are we doing this? It is because 22 veterans take their own lives every day. Not every year, or even every month. This is every day!!
We want to stop this! Our goal is ABSOLUTELY ZERO suicides a day.
Here’s the flyer that describes the events: BIKEfor22 Flyer – VFV
If you are a veteran and feel you are doing great, please take part in this Victory Tour to help other veterans who aren’t doing so well. You signing up helps raise monies to get them the much need resources they need.
Keep checking us out. There will be updates on a regular basis.
You are never alone.
You are never forsaken.
You are never unloved.
And above all….never, ever, give up!