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Board Of Directors
Member & Secretary

Member & Secretary

Kerry Harkins

Post USAF Ed: A.S. Electronic Engineering Technology and B.S. Industrial Technology -

Northeastern University, Boston, MA

Mr. Harkins enlisted in the United States Air Force in 1961 and was trained in Airborne Navigation

System Repair and Maintenance and was stationed at the then Air Defense Command Station at

Otis Air Force Base, Massachusetts, maintains the Airborne Navigation equipment, including

Inertial Reference Systems, Search Radar, ILS, IFF, Tactical Air Navigation & more for RC-121

Radar aircraft, which provided Air Defense early warning. After His tour of duty was complete,

He joined GTE Sylvania and was a test technician on the Minuteman Missile Launch Control


He later accepted a position as Quality Assurance Program Manager at Raytheon Company for

an Enroute Air Traffic Control System and Equipment for the FAA. Later, He transferred to

Raytheon Data Systems as a Marketing Program Manager for Airline Reservations Systems,

Domestic and International.

Other Notable achievements:

After retiring, Mr. Harkins volunteered as a (work without compensation), Research

Assistant/Backup Associate at the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) (Government

Administration), West Roxbury, MA. This position entailed processing veterans who had chosen

to participate in the Million Veterans Research Program at the Boston VA Healthcare facility

Since May 2015 - Present

Commander, DAV Chapter #90, and Chapter Service Officer (CSO)

Disabled American Veterans, Norwood, Massachusetts

Married with 7 Children and 7 Grandchildren

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